The Drops of God, Vols. 1-2

Reading The Drops of God is like drinking a good table wine: the flavor may not be as complex as…

No Longer Human, Vol. 1

First published in 1948, Osamu Dazai’s No Longer Human became one of the most widely read books in post-war Japan….

Velveteen & Mandala

Jiro Matsumoto’s Velveteen & Mandala, a phantasmagoria of zombie-slaying, nudity, and poop, seems calibrated to shock readers into nervous laughter,…

Now You’re One of Us

Noriko, the young heroine of Asa Nonami’s Now You’re One of Us, initially thinks she’s hit the marriage jackpot. Not…

Twin Spica, Vols. 5-6

If you spend any time surfing the mangasphere, you don’t need me to tell you that Twin Spica is about…