The May 2010 Manga Movable Feast focused on Keiko Takemiya’s science fiction series To Terra, published in North America by Vertical, Inc. Below is the complete list of essays, reviews, podcasts, etc. that resulted from our weeklong discussion of To Terra.
Series Overviews
- Earthbound, Jason Yadao (Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/23/10)
- An Introduction to Keiko Takemiya’s To Terra, Kate Dacey (The Manga Critic, 5/23/10)
- Manga Movable Feast: To Terra…, Phillip (Eeeper’s Choice Podcast, 5/31/10)
- Read To Terra Samples Online, Johanna Draper Carlson (Comics Worth Reading, 5/26/10)
Reviews of To Terra…
- Manga Mondays: To Terra… Series Review, Eric Rupe (The Weekly Crisis, 5/24/10)
- Manga Movable Feast: To Terra…, Garrett Albright (Yen Plus Info, 5/25/10)
- MMF: To Terra, Evan Krell (Insert Disc, 5/29/10)
- Re-reading To Terra, Anna (Tangognat, 5/26/10)
- To Terra…, Linda (animemiz’s scribblings, 5/29/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 1, Johanna Draper Carlson (Comics Worth Reading, 5/25/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 1, Scott Frye (Cafe Afternoon, 5/30/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 1, Sean Gaffney (A Case Suitable for Treatment, 5/25/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 1, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 5/25/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 1, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 5/30/10)
- To Terra, Vols. 1-2, Melinda Beasi (Manga Bookshelf, 5/27/10)
- To Terra, Vols. 1-3, Jason Green (PLAYBACK:lst, 6/11/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 2, Johanna Draper Carlson (Comics Worth Reading, 5/26/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 2, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 5/26/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 3, Johanna Draper Carlson (Comics Worth Reading, 5/28/10)
- To Terra, Vol. 3, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 5/27/10)
Reviews of Related Sci-Fi Manga
- A, A’ and They Were Eleven, Kate Dacey (The Manga Critic, 5/31/10)
- Andromeda Stories, Vols. 1-3, Kate Dacey (The Manga Critic, 5/26/10)
- Everyone’s Headed To Terra (Review of Andromeda Stories), David Welsh (The Manga Curmudgeon, 5/24/10)
- Saturn Apartments Book 1 — Recommended, Johanna Draper Carlson (Comics Worth Reading, 5/28/10)
- Twin Spica Book 1 — Recommended, Johanna Draper Carlson (Comics Worth Reading, 5/25/10)
Thematic Essays, Roundtable Discussions, and Podcasts
- From Blackbirds to Battleships: A Comparative Look at X-Men and To Terra, Sam Kusek (The Manga Critic, 5/27/10)
- Keith Anyan, The Tin Man of To Terra…, Hisuo and Narutaki (Reverse Thieves, 5/28/10)
- License Request Day: Song of the Wind and the Trees, David Welsh (The Manga Curmudgeon, 5/28/10)
- Manga Movable Feast: Utopian World of To Terra, Sadie Mattox (Extremely Graphic, 5/27/10)
- May Manga Movable Feast: To Terra, Johanna Draper Carlson, Ed Chavez, Kate Dacey, Ed Sizemore, and David Welsh (Manga Out Loud, 5/29/10)
- May MMF: To Terra, A Space Holocaust, Daniella Orihuela-Gruber (All About Manga, 5/24/10)
- MMF: Roundtable on To Terra, Anna, Johanna Draper Carlson, Kate Dacey, Rob McMonigal, and David Welsh (The Manga Critic, 5/31/10)
- Spaceshippers, David Welsh (The Manga Curmudgeon, 5/26/10)
- To Terra… Against Hubris, Ed Sizemore (Comics Worth Reading, 5/27/10)
- Towards the Other: To Terra…, SDS (Oguie Maniax, 5/26/10)
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